Monday, February 8, 2010

Bald woman walking

On our hike this morning, my husband, Lindsay, reminded me of the time he filmed Victor Garber getting his head shaved for a movie version of the musical, "Annie."  Victor's line as he walked into the room to have his head shaved?  "Bald man walking."  And so, I am one hour and 15 minutes away from that same line.

Why?  Because I am doing the play, WIT and I had the bright idea that the only way to do the role properly was to shave my head.  

Now of course, to say I am rethinking that bright idea, is putting it mildly.

I keep saying, "At least I'm not getting my head shaved for cancerous reasons, just artistic ones."  And that is a GOOD thing, a very good thing.  It is my own decision - no one is forcing me to do this, so we will have no whining.

I joke that I hope I don't find the numbers 666 on my scalp once it is bare.  But, I do wonder what I will find?  What will I feel?  Will I cry?  Will I want a scotch?  Time will tell.

I do know that playing Vivian Bearing is one of the most important things I've ever done as an actress.  So it seems fitting that there would be something hard accompanying it.

1 comment:

  1. Fortunately, while your hair has been a trademark and an attractive feature of yours, who you are has always trumped anything about how you look. That's even true for Pretty Boy Schnebly. =)
